Contribute to documentation

Here we explain how to make change in the documentation and make it available online.

General information

Our web site repository contains two branches. Master branch contains markdown content of the site, gh-pages branch contains static html of the site. Hugo static site generator is used to produce html content from markdown pages.

GitHub is configured to host content of gh-pages branch at this address.

Users are modifying site content by providing pull requests to master branch. Travis continuous integration automatically generates fresh html of the site and updates gh-pages branch.

To modify documentation follow these steps:

Install Hugo

  • Downloads latest hugo from here.
  • Archive will contain single binary which you will have to put to your $HOME/bin directory, for example.

Fork documentation repository

Make a fork of our site repository and clone your fork locally.

Please note, that repository contains sub-module (external Hugo theme), so clone command should be

git clone --recurse-submodules<your-name>/MIEZEPY_website.git

Run Hugo locally

Go to cloned repository and run Hugo.

$ cd <source>
$ hugo server -D

Open web-browser using address Hugo will tell you (most probably http://localhost:1313/MIEZEPY_website).

Modify the documentation

Modify one of documentation related markdown file. For example, to modify the page you are looking at right now, edit


Hugo will update web site within a fraction of a second.

Provide a pull request

When you are happy with the changes you’ve made, push changes to the origin and provide a pull request.

Travis will start the build to make sure that site is still in working state (no broken links found, etc). Depending on Travis mood and load, the build can be completed in less than a minute.

Members of scgmlz have rights to merge their own pull requests. External users will have to wait a bit for a person with admin rights to approve.

After pull request merge, check site online. It might take a few minutes before changes will be propagated to hosting service.