Installing MIEZEPY on MacOs X

Currently MacOsX only supports an installation through the terminal. In the following steps we will install python and the required dependencies to run the package both in scripting and GUI mode. Note that at this point the installation of MIEZEPY requires basic knowledge in terminal input.

1. Downloading the source

The GitHub repository of the MIEZEPY project can be downloaded here. As the download completes the user is required to unzip the .zip content and open a terminal window in the downloaded folder. This can be done by entering:

$ cd Path/to/folder

in an already opened terminal window.

2. Installing Python 3

The MIEZEPY package has been written exclusively in python and supports only python 3. To this effect an installation of python 3 is required to run the software. Under MacOs X the easiest way is to install python 3 is through HomeBrew. To install homebrew open a terminal window and enter:

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Once completed it is possible to install python:

$ brew install python

If the installation is successful we can proceed by checking the installation versions:

$ python3 --version
$ pip3 --version

If the above command fails try to replace pip3 ith pip as pip not being installed by default on linux it might select the former namespace. Finnally, the output should be the version numbers of python and pip above 3.6.6 and 18.1 (at the time of writing) respectively.

Example image

3. Installing the dependencies and software

The MIEZEPY package has dependencies on some common (like numpy) and less common (like PyQt) python libraries. These need to be installed in order to launch the package. In any terminal window enter the following commands:

$ sudo pip3 pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo pip3 install git+git://
$ sudo pip3 install git+git://

The first command installs the requirements defined in the requirements.txt file included in the repository. The second line installs a graphical PyQt library and the third command install the ploting library derived from PyQt and pyqtgraph. Finally the software can be installed through the command:

$ python3 install

4. Testing the installation

Once the installation is finished the software can be tested by launching the python interpreter through:

$ python3
    >> import miezepy
    >> miezepy.__version__

This should provided the version number of the downloaded distribution.